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Voices in the Dark

Sep 26, 2016

Keep Others In Suspended Terror - Cultivate An Air Of Unpredictability

You'd have enormous power if you could predict the future. Learning to predict other people is the next best thing to a crystal ball... but, of course, your own behaviour must remain nebulous, fluid and unpredictable if you want to keep...

Sep 23, 2016

There is a reason why a sizeable majority of London Real fans when asked "what is your favourite interview" reply Peter Sage without missing a beat. 

Get 25% Off this year's Sage Business School

Peter has led an incredibly interesting life, beginning quite early to pursue serial Entrepreneurship; at first out of a...

Sep 19, 2016

Law 16: Use Absence To Increase Respect And Honor

In Law 16 it's time to make yourself a limited edition and never outstay your welcome. The more you're available, the less value you'll have in the eyes of others; time to cultivate that air of mystery and distance if you want to be desired rather than taken for...

Sep 13, 2016

Law 15 Crush Your Enemy Totally:


Perhaps the most controversial Law of all – Crush Your Enemy Totally! As ever, we are you guides to when a Law like this can be applied in a world beyond the battlefield. What does it mean to crush an enemy in the modern world? When does it become necessary to wipe out an enemy, and...

Sep 5, 2016

LAW 14: Pose As A Friend, Work As A Spy

Who are you working for?? Well, yourself... or you should be. Law 14 isn't about insincerity or screwing your friends over, but it's a sharp lesson in social intelligence and self-awareness. We explain how to learn about the people you're dealing with – especially those who're...